Easter Rambling
“All your crying don’t do no good, Come on up the the house,
Come down off the cross, We can use the wood, You gotta come on up to the house. “
– Tom Waits, ‘Come on Up to The House’ ( Mule Variations)
Easter Sunday, April 16th, 2017
Last night I watched some television. On a television. With a remote control and a menu. 1500 plus channels. Sports. Jesus. Trump. North Korea. Jackie Robinson. The Titanic.
I watched Law and Order. Dun. Dun.
Mid April. Cherry blossoms. Sunshine. Passover. Easter. Anniversaries. Bird Song. Taxes.
Abe Lincoln got shot April 14th, 1865. The Titanic sank on the same day in 1912. Jackie Robinson became the first black man to play major league baseball on April 15th, 1947.
2017. North Korea. Syria. Russia.China. Ethics conflicts. Climate change. United Airlines. Pepsi. Sean Fucking Spicer said what? And the White House Easter Egg Roll.
These days I often feel like I’m watching a drunk man dropping his keys, gracelessly bending over to pick them up, falling into his car and driving through a school zone. 45 is not the proud captain of a tremendous ship, unafraid of little icebergs. And yet…
To butcher the old Beamish slogan: Inconsistency in a world gone mad.
Retirement Plan 438b
Perhaps I’ll write a play where Jesus, Kim Jong- Un, the Twitter-in-Chief, Jackie Robinson and Abraham Lincoln are stuck together on a boat. A tremendously big boat. A tremendously big boat built in Belfast. A tremendously big boat built in Belfast in 1912. There are five captain’s hats . There are three life jackets.
Next week’s gigs:
Thursday, Hosting Big City Folk Song Club at Fawkner in Brooklyn with David Nagler.
Friday 21st, Rockwood Music Hall, NYC, 9pm
Saturday 22nd, Toad, Cambridge, MA, 7.30pm
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