My site has been revamped and I’m flying to Paris on Friday…
The New Year has arrived and here in Brooklyn, winter has finally remembered its job. The radio announces, “It is 12 degrees and feels like 2 in Central Park”. My brief foray into the outside world confirms with meteorological certainly that it is bloody freezing.
Meanwhile at the headquarters, some good news.
New Website
This is my first blog post on the new website. Fierce pressure.
Thanks in advance for visiting.
This new site is very user friendly. With the click of a button you can find, listen, stream, and buy any Niall Connolly song, check out tour dates, or watch videos.
Subscribe to my email newsletter and be the first to hear about new releases, festivals, pop up gigs, house concert booking opportunities and much more. Note the new email list will be more geographically selective you will no longer get those annoying messages about gigs in NYC if you live in West Cork or vice versa.
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify, your clicks do help open doors for me.
I want to thank my friend Thomas Deneuville who put in countless hours making this happen. Thomas is a remarkably fluent at this computering thing. He also has the patience of a kindergarten teacher at the zoo.
Tour Starts Saturday in Paris
Friday night I fly to Paris, where I have gigs on Saturday and Tuesday, followed by gigs in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary. Irish and UK dates are coming up in late March and early April. Full details on the calendar.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for listening. Happy New Year.
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